Dining Room:
Cut out exterior wall below existing dining room window ready for fitting French double doors.
Make good surrounding walls and woodwork.
(Existing windows to be removed and replaced by others)
Block up back door and make good.
Fit units to utility area, to include integrated fridge freezer, plus 2 or 3 cabinets and small worktop.
(Units to be supplied by others)
Remove existing fitted desk and relocate to spare bedroom.
Fit shelving and doors to understairs storage area.
Remove and block up existing bathroom window and make good.
Remove bathroom ceiling and clean up joists.
Paint all walls in Thistle bond or similar to provide key for new plaster.
Plaster all walls and ceiling.
Fit new extractor pipe.
Allowance made for tiling wet areas only, i.e. shower, bath backsplash and behind sink.
Paint walls and ceiling with two coats of bathroom emulsion.
Woodwork to have primer undercoat and two topcoats.